Focusing 2 – Naturally Emergent Awareness: September 24-25, 2016

Focusing 2 – Naturally Emergent Awareness: September 24-25, 2016

Focusing Level 2

Naturally Emergent Awareness

Do you wish you could better:

  • get to the roots of what you are feeling?
  • discern the different voices inside of you and what each wants or needs?
  • speak from what you are experiencing, rather than just about it?
  • be simply present with your felt experience, without identifying with or rejecting it?
  • find your way forward in complex situations with greater facility and well-being?
  • support others in doing the same?

Come Deepen Focusing!

Develop further awareness of and ability to stay with the place of emergence/dawning comprehension/the implicit-explicit boundary. Also develop further skills being a companion-in-presence: working with symbolic arisings, attunements, and the use of specific language to support staying present with the emergence.

Prerequisite: Focusing 1

Who: Class will be co-taught by members of the team: Dawn Flynn ND, David Martin MD and Lori Martin MA, with assistance from Lisa Capa PhD.

When: Sept 24 & 25, 2016 9:30am-5:00pm

Where: North Seattle, TBA

Cost: $225 or $100 for repeat students. Accommodations can be made for those for whom the full fee is a hardship.

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